Taming Horses Guide in Myth of Empires

In the vast and immersive world of Myth of Empires, mastering the art of taming horses is an essential skill for any aspiring adventurer. Whether you're traversing vast landscapes or engaging in epic battles, having a loyal and well-trained steed by your side can make all the difference. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the intricacies of taming horses in Myth of Empires, exploring the tools, techniques, and strategies you need to succeed.

Understanding the Basics:

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of horse taming, let's start with the basics. In Myth of Empires, taming a horse requires a few essential items: a horse tether and a horse bridle. These items can typically be obtained through various means, Such as using MoE Copper Coins to buy from crafting or merchants. Once you have the necessary equipment, it's time to find yourself a suitable horse to tame.

Taming Process:

To initiate the taming process, approach a wild horse with your horse tether equipped. Press the designated interaction key (usually 'E' or similar) to mount the horse. Once mounted, your goal is to increase the horse's obedience and ranking to their maximum levels. This can be achieved simply by staying on the horse while it moves around.

It's important to note that the higher the level of the horse, the longer it may take to tame. Additionally, keep an eye on the horse's anger meter—if it becomes too high, the horse may attempt to throw you off. Remaining calm and patient is key to successfully taming the horse without getting thrown off.

Building Obedience:

Obedience is a crucial factor in taming horses effectively. Similar to taming NPCs in the game, you'll need to ensure the horse's obedience reaches 100 percent for successful taming. To achieve this, continue to stay on the horse and allow it to move around freely. As you do so, you'll notice the obedience meter gradually increasing.

Patience is paramount during this process, especially with higher-level horses that may require more time to tame. Resist the urge to rush the process and remain focused on maintaining control over the horse.

Naming Your Steed:

Once you've successfully tamed a horse and maxed out its obedience and ranking, it's time to give your new companion a name. Naming your steed not only adds a personal touch to your gameplay experience but also strengthens the bond between you and your horse.

To name your horse, interact with it and select the appropriate option to enter a name of your choice. Choose a name that resonates with you and reflects the spirit of your adventures in Myth of Empires.

Tips for Success:

While taming horses in Myth of Empires may seem straightforward, several tips and strategies can help increase your chances of success:

1. Be prepared: Make sure you have the necessary equipment, such as a horse tether and bridle, before attempting to tame a horse.

2. Choose your targets wisely: Different horses may have varying levels of difficulty to tame. Start with lower-level horses to practice your taming skills before attempting to tame higher-level ones.

3. Stay calm: If the horse becomes agitated and attempts to throw you off, remain calm and steady. Avoid panicking and focus on regaining control of the situation.

4. Practice patience: Taming horses in Myth of Empires requires patience and perseverance. Don't get discouraged if the process takes longer than expected, especially with higher-level horses.


Mastering the art of taming horses in Myth of Empires is a rewarding endeavor that enhances your gameplay experience and opens up new possibilities for exploration and adventure. By following the techniques and strategies outlined in this guide, you'll be well on your way to becoming a skilled horse tamer in the world of Myth of Empires. So saddle up, brave adventurer, and embark on your journey to tame the wildest steeds the realm has to offer!

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