Weekly Bonus Event: Draenor Time Warrior Warlord

Sep-27-2019 categories: WOW Classic

Worried about a particularly tangled time and space puzzle: the Draenor time warrior warlord is here!

Players of level 101 and above will be able to venture into the six overseers of the Draenor Dungeon and receive new rewards throughout the week in this week's rewards event. Wow classic gold for sale is a benefit you deserve. Your characters and items will be scaled down to the level of power that suits the upcoming challenge, but the boss will generate loot based on your regular level. Time-walking dungeons also have the opportunity to drop items that are normally dropped while running on Heroic, and you gain prestige with factions that are interested in the dungeon.

Look for the following throughout the week:

Both Chronicler Shoopa of Zuldazar and Chronicler Toopa of Boralus are looking for you. You can also start a task from the Adventure Guide (Shift-J).

Mission requirements: Complete 5 time-space walks in the dungeon.

Reward: Artifact power and a box with ordinary difficulty equipment from the Palace of Eternity.

Just open the Group Finder (default hotkey: I) and select Dungeon Finder and Timewalking from the Type drop-down menu. Selecting a Find group will match you to other players and take you to one of the following hero dungeons:


Tuckerton is the holy tomb of the draenei, the draenei is the sanctuary of the Holy Light, where the soul of the deceased gets a breather. The crystal structure also protects the draenei's soul from the eternal enemy: the burning of the burning leg of the soul of the Draenei. This fact made Gul’dan and his Shadow Council a particularly interesting place to seek to win the favor of the Demon Master.

Blood stasis mine

In the northern suburbs of Frostfire Ridge, the Blood Ogre Ogre performs barbaric mining operations in the sweltering hot volcanic caves. The slaves from all over Delano were transported to the mines and never survived. Slag minerals are rich in gemstones and ores, but there are rumors that the real purpose of these mines is to dig ancient monuments.


After the Dark Portal was destroyed, Kirinto realized that he had to fight the Iron Horde on his land. They needed a supply line. Therefore, they created an outpost around Delano and returned to Azeroth via a magic link. Unfortunately, it seems that the main strategic location near the Blackrock Foundry is called verbena by Everbloom, a sacred place in the Gronlund woodland. The outpost was quickly overgrown but still contained links to the suburbs of Stormwind. . . .

Iron pier

On the northern coast of Gorgrund, the Iron Docks represent the core of the iron tribe's naval power. Large warships and artillery forged and assembled in the Blackrock foundry are ready to fight in this large port. Draenor’s greatest beast was crushed and trained with elite infantry units, and the ground-rooted ground forces would rush ashore to break the will of anyone who dared to oppose the Iron tribe.

Shadowmoon Graveyard

The traditional cemetery of the Shadowmoon clan is the last resting place for countless generations of ancestors. The fallen chief Ner’zhul sacrificed the soul of his family in the fallen abyss for power. Now, the spirit of the ancestors becomes restless, tortured, and used to seduce the darkness of the ritual. If Draenor is allowed to move it all, it will bring all the dildo into the void.


On the highest peak of the Arak summit in the clouds, the sky extension is the home of the strength of the Lukmar followers. The Arak people have gathered and used the Apexis technology of their predecessors, and now they are ready to release the concentrated power of the sun to the enemy.

To learn more about each dungeon leader, tips and check out the available loot, check out the Adventure Guide (Shift-J), select the Dungeon tab, and select "Dragon King" from the drop-down menu.

Draenor Time Warrior Warlord

You can also visit the Timewalking supplier Tempra at Stormshield and Kronnus at Warspear. They will wait to bring your hard-won time and space to distort the badge in exchange for some enticing rewards:

2 mounts - the beastmaster's iron-toothed beast and the beastmaster's wolf.

2 Toys - the pieces of the sharp teeth and the flag of the burning sword.

We have prepared wow classic gold for you.

Prestige tokens for all major factions of Draenor, including Wilderness Exiles, Steamboat Protection Association, Awakening Knights, Hunting Knife, Frostwolf Orcs/Bishop Council, mocking the Orc/Shatal Defense, Prophet Hand.

Also during this event, there will be additional Draenor warlord equipment.